Forum Replies Created
MemberWhere is supposed to be the tmp folder?
I have the same problem and I cannot see any tmp directorybluantinoo
Memberjust marking resolved
MemberI found out how to implement year change in calendar.
It’s quite easy actually.This is how to do it
1) open file user-meta/views/generateForm.php at lines 161 and 162
change this:
$(".um_datetime").datetimepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd'});
$(".um_date").datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd'});into this:
$(".um_datetime").datetimepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', timeFormat: 'hh:mm:ss', changeYear: true, yearRange: '-110:-13' });
$(".um_date").datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', changeYear: true, yearRange: '-110:-13' });Just adding 2 parameters:
– changeYear => set true to add a dropdown in calendar to change year
– yearRange => the range of years that you want users to select2) Do the same changes in the file user-meta/controllers/pro/umBackendProfileController.php at lines 125 and 126
First point adds year select in public forms (registration, profile), second point adds it in the backend profile management.
I hope it can help someone (and that will be included in next release!)
MemberHi Khaled,
thanks for you have an idea on when will be released next version?
if it will be too far may I ask a little help to hack it?bluantinoo
MemberOk I found this file in User Meta Pro plugin where it seems that all jQuery Validation Engine rules are been set:
I could add here my regex rules, but how link them to my custom field?
MemberSorry for bumping this post, but I really need to fix this “bug”.
please any idea would be appreciated!
MemberMe too I want that as well please! 🙂
MemberI had the same problem,
the non ajax configuration is workingbluantinoo
MemberI have one question about CSV import: what happens if a user is already registered?
I mean, what if an email or a username that I try to import from csv is already present in wp users? -