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The Complete User Management Plugin For Wordpress

User Meta Pro v3.0 is out now!

Why Choose User Meta Pro?

User Meta saves you hundreds of work hours while creating your websites with users

Lightning Fast Support

We are available via email, forum and contact form to provide you the best support
Best Price Guaranteed

Compared to the other similar plugins we provide you the best deal posible
By the Developers, For the Developers

If you are a tinkerer, we’ve got you covered
Swiss Army Knife of User Management

Buy once get everything you need

Join 50,000+ professionals who use

User Meta Pro

Multi Site Support
Integration Support
Multilingual Support

Features You’ll Come To Rely On

User Meta is designed with features that completes all of your needs to manage users of your website

User Registration

User Registration

user meta registration

Create your user registration form with drag-and-drop fields.

  • Register users on front-end: Registration shortcode, widget and template tag give you power to enable registration via front-end. Use different registration forms for different roles. Allow user registration without a username, just email.
  • Add extra fields on registration: Build your form with extra drag-and-drop fields. Data from extra fields will be stored at wp_usermeta table, so any other plugin can use the data very easily. Need a long registration form? Don’t worry! Subdivide long form with pagination.

Free Premium Addons and Integration

Add Functionalities to your website with different add ons using user meta pro

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User Listing
Display customized users list both in the front and the backend including access to the user public profile.
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WooCommerce Integration
Integrate UMP’s shared fields with WooCommere and export data.
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WPML Integration
Integrate WPML to translate plugin’s text.
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Restrict Content
Hide/Display contents based on user status (restriction rules in page/post editor)

Get All The Help and Support You’ll Ever Need

we are here with all our resources to help you whenever you need

What People Are Saying About Us

HBCU Movers
HBCU Movers
February 23, 2020
Awesome Plugin

This plugin allowed me to collect information and add it to my database with ease!

Pieter du Plessis
Pieter du Plessis
February 23, 2020
Do what I need to do and do it well

Only plugin that could deliver on my requirements and then they decided to make it easy to do with zero learning curve. Thanks!!

March 31, 2019
Good Job

Great plugin, easy management with smart and innovative forms.
Just what I wanted.

March 31, 2019

super ....viele Wochen nach dem richtigen plugins gesucht. Jetzt gefunden..

April 22, 2015
This rocks

I have used this plugin for over two years and it is great, it has its limitations but what doesn't? After the initial learning curve, I was able to refine my website around this and other plugins. I am not a programer, don't get my hands dirty with coding but it lets me do everything (well almost everything) I need to.

Thanks for all the time you must have put into it.

Justin Blase
Justin Blase
August 13, 2014
Awesome Plugin Worth 10x The Price

Thank you so much for developing this plugin! This plugin has played a huge role in the success of Insurance Library - which now has over 1,000 registered users managing their user profiles.

We tried (and paid for) a few other plugins, but none of them provided us the level of flexibility, ease of use, and nice design that User Meta Pro offers. We use it for our "contributor sign up" page and it also serves as the self-serve profile management tool used by our users.

Thank you again!

Justin -

August 2, 2014

We are a group of developers, volunteers in a scientific club, we've been looking for a fron-end user profile plugin for website, after days of research on internet, we have decided that user-meta plugin was the best for the job.