Features of User Meta Pro: WordPress User Management Plugin
User Registration:
- Register users on front-end
- Front-end user registration by shortcode, Widget and Template Tag.
- Fields and forms editor to customize front-end user registration.
- Create unlimited forms for custom user registration.
- Add extra fields to custom user registration.
- Show user avatar in registration page (both ajax and non ajax).
- Different registration forms for different roles
- Allows user registration without a username, just email.
User Profile:
- Build user profile with drag-and-drop fields then show that profile at front-end or backend.
- Fields and forms editor to customize front-end user profile.
- Create unlimited forms for custom user profile.
- Add extra fields to custom user profile.
- Role based user profile on front-end
- User profile at front-end using shortcode, widget or template tag.
- Allows user to update their profile on front-end.
- Extra fields to backend user profile
- Hide unnecessary fields from backend profile.
- Show user avatar in profile page (both ajax and non ajax).
- Add profile link to users listing page.
User Login:
- Ready to use login facilities with several configurations.
- Login user in front-end (login shortcode, login widget or template tag for front-end login.)
- Forget Password and Reset Password options in front-end.
- Customize the whole login page with extra fields.
- Login users with username, email or both username/email.
- Show role based data after login.
- Disable access to wp-login.php.
- Auto user login after registration.
User Import & Export:
- Bulk users import/export from/to csv file with extra fields.
- Customize, filter, or change user order while exporting users.
- User import/export with hashed or plain text password.
- Filter users with role or date for importing or exporting.
- Create several export templates with different settings.
- Map fields from csv to your site to import.
- Import only new users or update existing user’s data.
- Send bulk email while importing new users.
Email Notification:
- Customize emails sent from your WordPress site. Add default field or extra fields content to each email.
- Modify default email sender information.
- Email verification on registration.
- Change email sender information for certain types of email.
- User email verification before accessing site.
- Include any extra field’s data to email with placeholder.
- Send user custom email while they are registering.
- Send email notification to admin with custom fields.
- Admin email notification if user updates profile.
- Customize lost password, email verification, user activation or deactivation email.
Admin Approval :
- Admin approval on user registration.
- Admin can activate or deactivate any user from user listing page.
Role based redirection after user login, logout and registration.
Supported fields for form builder:
- Username
- Password
- Website
- Display Name
- Nick Name
- First Name
- Last Name
- Biographical Info
- Registration Date
- Role
- Jabber
- Aim
- Yim
- User Avatar
- TextBox
- Paragraph
- Rich Text
- Hidden Field
- DropDown
- Multi select
- CheckBox
- Select One (radio)
- Date /Time
- Password
- File Upload
- Image Url
- Phone Number
- Number
- Website
- Country
- Custom Field
- Page Heading
- Section Heading
- Captcha
Field’s Features:
- Unlimited number of fields.
- Completely configurable.
- Retrieve all user data by meta key.
- A shared field can be used in more than one forms.
- Conditional logic to show/hide a field to/from some specific users.
- Apply regex in password field.
- Shortcode for showing a single field.
- Show user’s data by field content shortcode.
- Pagination to subdivide long form.
- Control field outlook with field container class, field container style and input class.
And many more…..
Aren’t these mouth watering? A full pack of features in a single plugin.
So, why don’t you get it now!!!
Get User Meta Pro.