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Memberbut where are you devloper ? ! help !
best regart
MemberMonday, and i still ask help …no progress in my problem 🙁
I need really fix that quick, thank you !
MemberI find the php function addslashes/ stripslashes() but i wonder where put a hook filter ?
MemberYes you’re right i have to think about the way i want to do this :)In fact i use the form “both” like a registration form and a profile form…
Maybe it’s not a good idea ?
best regard,
Member// get the custom field you want to use to store your role
why ?
i want to store the role in the data base filed wp_capabilities like that : a:1:{s:10:\”signataire\”;s:1:\”1\”;}// does it exist?
no there ins no field \”role\” on my form, i just test if ( current_user_can( \’signataire\’ ) ) i change the role.i try that (it work !) :
function tgm_custom_profile_redirect() {
if ( current_user_can( 'signataire' ) )
global $current_user;
// wp_redirect( trailingslashit( home_url() ) );
// exit;
thank for your help !
Member// get the custom field you want to use to store your role
why ?
i want to store the role in the data base filed wp_capabilities like that : a:1:{s:10:”signataire”;s:1:”1″;}// does it exist?
no there ins no field “role” on my form, i just test if ( current_user_can( ‘signataire’ ) ) i change the role.i try that (always wrong !) :
add_action( 'profile_update', 'my_profile_update');
function my_profile_update() {
if ( current_user_can( 'signataire' ) )
Can you explain me the logical processus to do what i want ton do ?mca
Membersorry there is still a mistake : i put this hook in the function.php file and i test it on a profile form create with user meta pro…
add_action( 'profile_update', 'my_profile_update' );
function my_profile_update($user_id) {
// get the user_meta field you care about here
if( isset($userData['signtomembre'])){
//$user = $userData['user_id'];
// get the user rolereturn true;
Memberthank you !
I try your hook but i can’t remove the role.
My function checks for the existence of the field “signtomembre” in the submitted data from the form, and if found, we know it’s a upgrade from signataire to member. So in my functions.php :add_action( 'profile_update', 'my_profile_update' );
function my_profile_update($user_id) {
if( isset($userData['signtomembre'])){
remove_role( 'signataire');
add_role( 'membre');
}return true;
}what is wrong ?
MemberIn fact it’s the good hook but i don’t understand while i can’t update the field role ?
the filter hook (thank you toddz70 !) :add_filter('user_meta_pre_user_register', 'tz_registration_role');
function tz_registration_role($userData){
if( isset($userData['cacap'])){
// registration for demande
$userData['role'] = 'demandeur_adhesion';
} else {
// registration for membre
$userData['role'] = 'membre';
return $userData;
}thank’s for your help,
Memberthank you idstm,
i create a new profile form and i’m looking for the name of the filter hook that i can use to filter my data before send the form. Where can i find that ?(I use this hook for my REGISTRATION “user_meta_pre_user_register”.)
Memberthank you idstm,
i create a new profile form and i’m looking for the name of the filter hook that i can use to filter my data before send the form. I use this hook for my REGISTRATION “user_meta_pre_user_register”. Where ca i find that ?mca
Memberok you ‘re right.
MemberYes it’s what i’m trying to do : a form that allows an existing user to change his role. i need some advice to do that 🙂
Memberi use your hook on my two forms and it’s great!
But now i have one question : if the user want to upgrade his role (form school to student) he use the second form with the hidden field but your hook doesn’t achieve to upgrade his new role why ?
best regard,
mca -