Forum Replies Created
Memberany word on this? i’d really appreciate it
Memberwhere do i get the field id? if i look at the source code, i see it as something like this input id:
but it changes for each and every profile. so one profile it will be um_field_18_17 and another it’s um_field_18_60.
is there a universal one for the date picker?
Memberwhere would i place this code? functions.php?
MemberThank you. how about making any field editable only for certain roles not just admin? is this possible yet?
March 5, 2013 at 9:15 am in reply to: new roles can't save changed information on other profiles #3222kstudiofx
Memberworks great.. .thank you so much!
March 5, 2013 at 5:59 am in reply to: new roles can't save changed information on other profiles #3217kstudiofx
MemberIf i remove the existing ump, will i lose all my form fields and forms i made?
March 5, 2013 at 2:27 am in reply to: new roles can't save changed information on other profiles #3207kstudiofx
Membercan anyone help me with this?
March 3, 2013 at 8:34 am in reply to: new roles can't save changed information on other profiles #3195kstudiofx
Memberjust tried removing the email field to see if that is all that is wrong, but when i save any edits, even though it says it’s updated, when i go back to the profile, no changes actually saved.
Memberoh also, that only happens to the new roles, not the administrator. i haven’t worked on the site since our last talk, so it hasn’t been anything new I added or anything.
MemberSorry, i’m back again. seems now the information I’m seeing is correct, but now when i try to edit a profile that isn’t my own, it wont update. it gives me an red error message on the bottom and says:
Email: “whatever email address belongs to the profile i’m editing” already taken
please help
Memberoh yay ok i got it… had to fiddle with the code, my issue was caps and lowercase on my shortcodes. weird that it worked before though. *sigh* thanks for the code!
Memberwould you like me to send you an admin to see? i didn’t even change the code yet, just installed the new version
MemberI read the upgrade notice but it’s still the same stuff showing… profile instead of login form
Memberok now weird things are happening. i upgraded but now my former login page (still with the same shortcode that worked before) it shows the profile fields, not the login form.
and if i go to the profile page to see what that shows, it is now showing the login form.
when i try to login, it leads me to the proper redirect page I assigned before, but that page just says form not found.