Forum Replies Created
March 7, 2013 at 5:44 pm in reply to: Filter Hook to modify field content (options in a select menu) #3314
MemberIs there is any option in $field[\’options\’] to put a empty (-1) option selected by default ?
March 7, 2013 at 5:44 pm in reply to: Filter Hook to modify field content (options in a select menu) #3313groupewibi
MemberIs there is any option in $field[‘options’] to put a empty (-1) option selected by default ?
March 6, 2013 at 4:58 pm in reply to: Filter Hook to modify field content (options in a select menu) #3253groupewibi
MemberProblem. How we can remove the last empty value ( , ) ?
March 5, 2013 at 5:01 pm in reply to: Filter Hook to modify field content (options in a select menu) #3232groupewibi
MemberOk, found the solution.
add_filter( ‘user_meta_field_config’, ‘user_meta_field_config_function’, 10, 3 );
function user_meta_field_config_function( $field, $fieldID, $formName ){
if( $fieldID != ’27’ ) return $field;
$secteurs = get_categories(‘taxonomy=localisation’.’&hide_empty=0′.’&pad_counts=1′.’&name=club_secteur’.’&child_of=0′);
foreach($secteurs as $secteur) :
$output .= $secteur->term_id.’=’.$secteur->name.’,’;
endforeach;$field[‘options’] = $output;
// “val1=value1, val2=value2, val3=value3”; for key value
return $field;}
March 5, 2013 at 3:49 pm in reply to: Filter Hook to modify field content (options in a select menu) #3231groupewibi
MemberOk for that. I did that based on the exemple :
add_filter( ‘user_meta_field_config’, ‘user_meta_field_config_function’, 10, 3 );
function user_meta_field_config_function( $field, $fieldID, $formName ){
if( $fieldID != ’27’ ) return $field;
$secteurs = get_categories(‘taxonomy=localisation’.’&hide_empty=0′.’&pad_counts=1′.’&name=club_secteur’.’&child_of=0′);
foreach($secteurs as $secteur) :
$categories[] = $secteur->name.’=’.$category->term_id;
endforeach;$field[‘options’] = implode(‘,’, $categories);
// “val1=value1, val2=value2, val3=value3”; for key value
return $field;}
It showing the term name, but the it’s not showing the id of the term (value).
Any help there ?
February 24, 2013 at 1:51 pm in reply to: Filter Hook to modify field content (options in a select menu) #3164groupewibi
MemberHonnesty, i can pay for it first, and second, that would be a killer feature for this plugin.
February 24, 2013 at 1:36 pm in reply to: Filter Hook to modify field content (options in a select menu) #3163groupewibi
MemberWhen will be the next release ?
February 23, 2013 at 1:35 am in reply to: add fields dynamically based on the chosen option in another field #3140groupewibi
MemberIs there is any hook solutions ? as we really need it.
No point to have to use registrations fields if we cannot use the advanced functions of a registry form.Do u have any release date for ut ?
February 23, 2013 at 1:19 am in reply to: Filter Hook to modify field content (options in a select menu) #3139groupewibi
MemberSame request there ! I would like to have a field displaying a list of custom type, and taxonomy. My problem is a bit more complex as it as to use hierarchical taxonomy also.