Forum Replies Created
MemberWhat happened to support on this extension? 🙁
MemberAnyone? Need help with this please.
Thank you 🙂
Memberany ideas please?
That page / url is blank, it has only title, but not the content at all.
Besides that, I’ll need to display other multiselect boxes, with custom values, so “category as options” is not the best choice I guess : ((
Any other options?
Thanks in advance!
MemberAny ideas?
Thanks for quick response. Im a bit confused with this.
I added following code in my functions.php
add_filter( 'user_meta_field_config', 'user_meta_field_config_function', 10, 3 ); function user_meta_field_config_function( $field, $fieldID, $formName ){ global $userMeta; if( $fieldID != '16' ) return $field; $output = null; $cats = get_categories(); foreach( $cats as $cat ): $output .= $cat->term_id.'='.$cat->name.','; endforeach; $output = ',' . trim( $output, ',' ); $field['options'] = $output; return $field; }
“16” << is the id of my drop down field in User Meta Pro, categories list does show up now, is it possible to exclude some specific categories from the drop down list?
Also, how can I add a first option to say “Choose a Category” ?
As for custom meta fields, Im a bit confused with this, Can you please give an example for Custom meta fields?
“You can use same hook (user_meta_field_config) to populate dropdown with any data. you can pass array with key and value to or string (e.g key1=value1,key2=value2) to $field[‘options’] ”
How would the code look, if lets say my custom meta field is called “languages”?
Thanks a lot!
One of the best supports on WordPress Plugins!
Thats exactly what makes plugins worth of buying! Just wanted to say thanks hehe : ))
Memberand how do I add placeholders inside the field inputs?
Memberwhen I assign a custom class on a field in backend, CSS class is asigned to input container, how can I assign class to input itself?
thank you
thanks for quick response.
I’ll try that now. Another question I have meanwhile, is that, is it possible to create a drop down field for the registration, which gets prefilled with the options automatically coming from list of WordPress categories?
For exampple, I have 20 categories, and when user registers, I want to him to choose one category in the drop down, is it possible for this drop down to automatically get list of categories as options? So that any time I update / delete or add a new categorie it will appear in this list automatically ?
Thank you again!
Your help is much appreciated.ringitinc
MemberWow… that was a quick response : ))
Thanks a lot!
Another question, I hope there is a quick solution for this as well : ))
Is there an option in plugin to create drop down field for STATE with prepopulated State Abreviations like NY, NJ, TX etc… ?and would I get the values from this field using the same code, or drop down values are called out in a different way ?
Thank you!