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Reset Password E-mail

reset password

This email notification will be sent only to admin when users reset their password. You can edit and customize this email notification with it’s subject and body. Also can set different email for different users based on their role . As well as, add extra Field’s data to email subject and body.

To set this email notification and customize your email which will be sent to admin when user repair password, go to : Email Notification >> Reset Password E-mail.
To know about Role Based Customization, E-mail Sender Setting, Including Extra Fields to Subject and Body Using Placeholder, go to : Email Notification Basics.

Admin Notification :

  • This e-mail will be sent to admin when user reset their password.
  • If you wish not to send any email to admin then just check Disable this notification.
  • Check Send email to all admin to send the email to all admins.

reset password-1
And Save Changes.
User Meta Pro is a well-designed, feature-rich, and easy to use user management plugin that allows front-end profile update, user registration with extra fields, email notifications and many more. As, User Meta Pro is also a versatile user profile builder and user management plugin for WordPress which has the most features on the market. So, User Meta aims to be your only go to plugin for user management. We believe in synergy so we’ve solved all of your problems in one single plugin.