How It Works
1. Download Zip File
Check our current version of User Meta Pro and download the zip file.
2. Upload the Zip File
Go to your dashboard’s, Plugins>>Add New. Upload the ZIP file and install User Meta Pro.
3. Activate the Plugin
Go to Plugins>>Installed Plugins and activate User Meta Pro plugin.
4. Validate Subscription
Go to User Meta >>Settings, enter your UMP account’s email and password to activate the PRO version.
THAT'S IT! You are ready to surf...
User Meta Pro is a well-designed, feature-rich, and easy-to-use user management plugin that allows front-end profile update, user registration with extra fields, email notifications and many more. This page shows the steps and how it works . Firstly, Check the current version of User Meta Pro and download it. Next, upload the downloaded file and install it. Then, go to settings and activate the plugin with the given email and provided password. After that, click validate button. Try to follow the four steps and you will able to enjoy the features and the additional addons which will give you extra functionalities of your WordPress site. The details description of the features are given in the Features page and the Addons details in the Add On Page .