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Public Profile Shortcode

public profile shortcode

Write user-meta shortcode to page or post. To create page go to Pages >> Add New.

Public Profile Shortcode:

[user-meta type=public form="Form_Name"]

The public user profile can be shown with this shortcode. The user_id is the parameters that need to be submitted as a GET request to enable public profile. So your profile url should looks like . This feature is useful when you integrate this plugin with third party plugin.

User not found!

You can also call some parameters in this shortcode, call=”id/email/username”, style=”table/plain/line”

To exemplify, A short demo of using this shortcode will be given by following the steps.

  • At first, make a form with fields as well as shared fields according to your want.
public profile shortcode
Fig : Making a Form
  • Then, try the shortcode in any of your pages where you want to put your public profile display. Here, I am using email in the call parameter, you can use id or username too. Besides, you can even customize the style to display it with table/plain/line.
public profile shortcode
Fig : Using the shortcode in a page
  • Next, enable public profile, user_email parameter need to provided as GET request. If you use id in the call parameter then your request should contain user_id and for username it will be user_login .  Here, public-profile is page permalink.

  • Finally, here is the public profile display with shortcode in tabular form.
Fig : Public profile display


Without a doubt, User Meta Pro is a well-designed, feature-rich, and easy to use user management plugin. Besides, it allows front-end profile update, user registration with extra fields, not to mention email notifications and many more. As, User Meta Pro is a versatile user profile builder and user management plugin for WordPress. Besides, it has the most features on the market. So, User Meta aims to be your only go to plugin for user management. Despite of, we believe in synergy whereas we’ve solved all of your problems in one single plugin clearly. In addition, you can get to know why you need to choose user meta pro. This page contains the shortcode that are relevant to user meta. Read the whole article and it will help you to learn more about our shortcode and WordPress as well.User Meta PRO